Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A newer kind of fun

The holiday weekend was extended for me. I needed a break and took off Friday and Tuesday to prolong the fun. Our son traveled home Wednesday night from Phoenix to pick up his engagement ring for the surprise proposal to his girlfriend scheduled for Friday at Bethany Beach, DE. Needless to say, we were up late with him as we chatted about the big event. Sean left our home on Thursday night to pick up his girlfriend at the airport. He proposed Friday morning and she said yes! So another wedding is in the works for the Brooks family.
On Saturday, hubby and I got in the car with mom and pop and daughter Melissa and her fiancé to join Sean and his betrothed in a surprise engagement luncheon he planned for her. All went well and it was so nice to meet more of the family. A lot of driving in one day, though, and we got home really late.
Sunday we were busy tending to our home since there’s always something to do. And then it was Monday, the 4th of July. Now usually a summer holiday for most means barbecues, family and friends, and lots of food. Our Italian-American home or those of our friends is no different. But this holiday was different. We woke up late, had a nice breakfast together (hubby’s favorite meal to cook), and then puttered around the house a bit. As the day went on it was apparent that we didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything.
Where’s everyone? Son is down the shore. First daughter is off nesting and having fun somewhere with her fiancĂ©. And younger daughter living in Guam is off camping with her hubby (so she’s not calling home to chat). Mom and pop, usually at our house on Sundays and holidays, are off with mom’s sister and hubby to shop for her grandmother-of-the-bride dress for our first daughter’s upcoming wedding.
Yes, a strange situation for our home usually bustling with family and meal preparation. Hubby seemed a little unsure. What should we do? Should we go here? Should we go there? No, I said. Let’s just be. And that we did. We took a few pics of ourselves, a fun and silly hobby since we bought our first digital camera in 2005 for a trip to Europe.  We played with the dogs in the yard.
Then I threw together a nice pesto pasta salad with crab and shrimp, roasted some asparagus and carrots, and baked some brownies. After a satisfyingly delicious, but sparse meal (in comparison to our usual holiday spreads), we decided to check out the new Woody Allen movie, Midnight in Paris. It felt weird to not seek out fireworks, either at a field or at least in our neighborhood sky, but we were happy in the last row of the theater, looking down on the three other couples who also ditched the requisite fireworks to celebrate the day.
As we left the movie I reminded hubby that we just re-captured an earlier time, a time when we were dating and had no responsibilities to speak of. At the end of busy holidays with family, we’d escape to go to the movies by ourselves. It’s been over 30 years since we’ve had a holiday without responsibilities, so this was an interesting concept to revisit.
Hubby and I got back home, played with our pups, and had some ice cream with the brownies I had made. We had DVRed the Philly fireworks celebration, but decided to save the show for another time and hit the sack early. Who says we can’t have fireworks any time we want? Our definition of fun is whatever we want it to be. We’re in the prime of our life. We’re empty nesters.

Until next time, yours in fun…Therese

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